No Committee has the ability or decision-making authority to usurp the Board of Trustees. STANDING COMMITTEES
(Chairman and Board Appointment) If you are interested in being considered for a Standing Committee appointment, contact Chairman John Ceaser at [email protected] or Sara Sichting, CEO at [email protected] |
Be part of your organization, apply for a CSIA Committee, and be part of your stakeholder organization. Committee assignments are reviewed by the Chairman of the Board and Board of Trustees and then appointments are made starting in March 2023. Executive Committee
Executive Committee John Ceaser, Chair The Executive Committee consists of the Chairman, Chairman-Elect, Past Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and CEO (Non-Voting Member – Advisory Capacity). The committee has the authority to make decisions in the absence of or between Board Meetings that will affect the governance of the Institute or as set by the Chairman of the Board.
The Council may be established by the Chairman to review By-Law changes, additions, or amendments or for advisory governance of the Institute. Members are selected at the sole discretion of the Chairman. Finance Committee
Finance Committee Avery Soderman, Chair Sara Sichting, Staff Liaison The Finance Committee assists the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities concerning the monitoring and oversight of financial resources, including its capital management and recovery and resolution planning processes. The Treasurer shall act as Chair and members selected by the Chairman and Treasurer. Nominations Committee
Nominations Committee Bart Ogden, Chair The Nominating Committee members work together to form the best process for recruiting and nominating candidates that are slated and recommended to the Chairman for approval by the Board of Trustees. A basic application for the positions will be posted and applicable to all Certified Sweeps or Dryer Technicians. All members of the nominating committee are required to identify potential candidates for current or upcoming vacancies and to work diligently toward attracting and securing top talent. Their duties include identifying, recruiting, screening, and interviewing candidates for board leadership positions. The committee selects the top candidates and recommends them to the Chairman and Board of Trustees as an official slate of nominees. Certification Council
Certification Council Hope Stevenson, Chair The Council shall oversee the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep designation and monitor compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, laws, and accreditation standards. The Council shall work autonomously and will be primarily responsible for the decision-making of all essential Certification activities, including overseeing the Examination process. It is the role and prerogative of the Board to adopt policy and approve program budgets. The Committee has the authority to institute policies and procedures regarding the Certification Program and through the Certification Administrator request funds for annual operations. Under Indiana and Washington D.C. not-for-profit laws and regulations the Committee may not usurp the fiduciary responsibilities of the CSIA Board of Trustees. The Certification Council shall be limited to a maximum of nine members. All members are appointed by the President (Chair) with approval by the Board of Trustees to the committee and will abide by the standard of engagement set by the CSIA Bylaws. Committee members must be CSIA Certified and a maximum of two (2) may be from the CSIA Board of Trustees.
The Ethics Committee reviews ethics complaints filed by either a consumer, Chimney Sweep, or Dryer Technician. The Committee Chair reviews all complaints with the Certification Administrator and determines the merits of the complaint and if it is within the compliance or non-compliance of the CSIA Code of Ethics.
The Exam Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the CSIA Certification examinations and monitoring compliance with all applicable rules and regulations, laws, and accreditation standards. The Committee shall work autonomously and will be primarily responsible for the decision-making of all essential Certification examinations. The Examination Committee shall be limited to five members. All members appointed to the committee will abide by the standard of engagement set by the CSIA Bylaws. Committee members must be CSIA Master or Dryer Technician Certified. One member may be a statistician or psychometric expert. Continuing Education Units (CEU) Committee
Continuing Education Units (CEU) Committee Lou Curley, Chair Holly Cox, Staff Liaison The Continuing Education Units (CEU) Committee reviews all educational and training programs and awards the Continuing Education Units for each CSIA education program, Forum, Symposium, Training, or another related program that requests Continuing Education Units. The committee ensures a planned system of high-quality continuing education instruction designed and delivered to enhance the attainment and retention of technical competence by Chimney Sweeps and Dryer Vent Technicians. |